Saturday 26 February 2011


i need to start at the beginning - my Sister Sally was fighing Cancer in 1997, I was in the final year of my BA degree course - and on top of all this my best friend Helen was murdered - i was in a hell of a mess - I could not sit my final exams in the June - My tutor arranged for me to sit my finals in the Sept ember - when it was re-sits time - I graduated with a modest 3rd grade degree - a joint honors in Religion, Archeaology and philosopy. I was very relieved to get my degree at all - I had buried my beloved sister Sally 4 months previously - she lost her 'battle' - I was devastated

My first Blog

This is my first ever blog - I have decided to blog about eveything thats happened to me since I bought a Brothel back in 1998 Main purpose of this blog is not to be entertaining - but to draw attention to the gross injustices shown to me by the HMRC - they made me bankrupt in feb 2008 - ive lost everything despite being a bona fide taxpayer and a morally sound Madame -